Northampton UMC
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From the Pastor’s Desk
One of the things that I love the most about the church is that its origins
are in the family. Scripture calls us time and again “brothers” and
“sisters”, and honestly, it has the system set up as a family. This means
that there are good things, there are great things, and there are things
that we have to work on.
This is something that God calls us to and reminds us of, as we continue
to be in relationship together. Even in the Lord’s prayer, Jesus reminds us
of this relationship. We begin with how we are related, and then we move
quickly to asking for forgiveness. If your family is anything like mine, that
seems pretty accurate. “Hey that’s my sister”, quickly moves to “Yes, I
just said something mean to her, I’m sorry____.”
This week we focus on this aspect of prayer and relationship. Forgive us
our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. We move to
this place of asking for forgiveness and working toward healing our
relationships. This needs to happen both within the church family and
outside of it. This is hard and heavy work, but we can do it together.
Pastor Becky